Riddles are a fantastic way to engage our brains and boost our critical thinking skills.
They challenge us to think outside the box and come up with creative solutions.
However, not everyone finds them enjoyable. In fact, many people find riddles frustrating because they can be difficult to solve right away.
The answers often require unconventional reasoning, which can leave us scratching our heads.
Think about it for a few minutes and re-read the riddle. Can you guess what the woman’s name might be?
Read on with caution, as there will be spoilers ahead for the answer to the riddle.
So who is this mysterious woman on the boat? Her name is…There!
Get it? The riddle tells you right at the start. “There is a woman on a boat.”
No, it might not be a common name (or a name at all, really) but replace it with any other name, such as “Sally is a woman on a boat” and you can easily see how this sentence makes sense!
Did you get the right answer? Other fun guesses have included “Theresa,” “Ona Lake,” or “Ina Boat.”